My Acne Is Embarrassing: Can You Help?

Acne affects millions of people, causing breakouts and taking a toll on self-confidence and self-esteem. Fortunately, advances in acne management mean there are more ways than ever to enjoy clearer skin. Here’s how we can help.

Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting millions. While acne usually occurs during the teen years, millions of adults also struggle with the disease.

In addition to its physical symptoms, acne takes an emotional toll, often leading to embarrassment, social isolation, and even depression. The good news is, today, there are more options than ever to prevent breakouts and give you clearer skin.

Michael Paltiel, MDZina GoldvekhtJohn A. Perrotti, MDAleksey Babakhanov, FNP, and our team at Adult and Pediatric Dermatology focus on individualized acne therapies at the practice in the Forest Hills neighbourhood of Queens, New York. In this post, learn about six treatments that can help you enjoy a clearer complexion and greater self-esteem and self-confidence.

Topical Antibiotics

Acne happens when bacteria get trapped inside hair follicles. As they multiply, growing bacterial populations trigger an infection, causing papules and pustules. Topical antibiotics use prescription-grade formulations designed to penetrate clogged pores and destroy infection-causing bacteria. 

Acne antibiotics are grouped into two types: bacteriostatic and bactericidal. Bacteriostatic agents prohibit bacterial growth, preventing colonization that leads to inflammation and breakouts. Bactericidal agents use formulas designed to kill bacteria without harming your skin.

While over-the-counter products are available, many people with acne do best with prescription-strength products designed for stubborn types of acne. During your visit, we’ll evaluate your skin to determine which treatment is a better choice for your skin.

Topical or Oral Retinoids

Derived from vitamin A, retinoids are effective in acne management. These products enhance your skin’s natural cell turnover, “speeding up” the process of clearing follicles and preventing them from clogging. 

Retinoids also clear existing acne and prevent future breakouts. Over-the-counter products use weaker formulations that typically aren’t effective enough for severe acne. Instead, we prescribe medical-grade products designed to treat stubborn acne.

Oral retinoids include products like Accutane® that work systemically. These medications effectively manage the most severe types of acne but require regular monitoring to prevent side effects.

Hormonal Treatments

Hormonal fluctuations can also trigger breakouts, especially in girls and women. Oral birth control may help tame these breakouts, but other hormonal medications are also available.

Laser Treatment

Laser treatment for acne uses intensely focused laser energy to penetrate the skin and target affected follicles, eliminating infection-causing bacteria. Lasers also reduce inflammation that can lead to redness and scarring.

Completely noninvasive, laser treatment is quick, and there’s no downtime afterwards. Lasers can also be used to reduce the appearance of acne scars.

Phototherapy (Red and Blue Light)

Phototherapy uses therapeutic wavelengths of red and blue light to treat acne. Like laser treatment, phototherapy is entirely noninvasive and involves no downtime.

Therapeutic blue light destroys acne-causing bacteria, while red light helps manage inflammation that can lead to redness and scarring. Both types of light promote faster healing inside your skin.

The best combination for your skin

Acne affects people in many ways. A custom treatment plan with ongoing management is the best way to prevent breakouts and give your skin the support it needs to stay clear and healthy.

To learn how we can design a custom treatment plan just for you, book an appointment online or over the phone with the team at Adult and Pediatric Dermatology of Forest Hills today.

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