Acne Specialist

Adult and Pediatric Dermatology

Medical Dermatology & Cosmetic Dermatology located in Forest Hills, NY
Acne usually flares up during puberty, affecting more than 85% of teenagers. However, this persistent and embarrassing skin condition can continue into adulthood. The experienced Adult and Pediatric Dermatology team in the Forest Hills neighborhood of Queens, New York, can eliminate acne. They offer effective treatments that range from topical medications to advanced lasers. Treatments target the source of your acne. If you or your teenagers have ongoing acne, schedule an appointment today. Call the office or use the online booking feature.

Acne Q & A

What causes acne?

Hair follicles contain oil-producing glands. Usually, the oil drains out of the follicle and onto your skin. When dead skin cells block the opening, the oil becomes trapped, and acne develops.

Acne most often appears when oil production increases, a problem that commonly begins during the hormonal changes brought on by puberty and women’s menstrual cycles. When the bacteria that normally live on your skin get trapped with the oil, you end up with red, inflamed acne.

In addition to hormonal changes, some medications cause acne, and you may have an inherited tendency to develop it. Though researchers are still exploring the role that diet plays in acne, recent studies indicate that milk, sugary drinks and foods, and high-fat foods can increase the incidence of acne in adults.

What kinds of acne are there?

Acne includes several kinds of skin lesions:
Papules, pustules, and nodules are caused by inflammation. After these lesions heal, the underlying skin can appear darker.

What causes acne scarring?

When the inflammation that comes with acne penetrates below the surface, it damages the surrounding tissues. After your acne goes away, your body heals the damaged area by producing collagen. The new collagen has a different appearance than the surrounding skin, creating an acne scar.
You have a higher risk of developing a scar when:
Getting early treatment gives you the best chance of preventing acne scarring. It’s especially important that you seek help from the Adult and Pediatric Dermatology team when inflammation develops.

How is acne treated?

The Adult and Pediatric Dermatology team recommends skin care to prevent further breakouts and treats your acne with therapies that prevent or open blocked pores, kill bacteria, and reduce inflammation. Some women will need treatment that reduces or eliminates their hormone fluctuations.
Your treatment can include any of the following, depending on which works best for your skin and acne type:
If you or your teen develops acne that doesn’t improve on its own or becomes inflamed, call Adult and Pediatric Dermatology today or book an appointment online.
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