Kybella Specialist

Adult and Pediatric Dermatology

Medical Dermatology & Cosmetic Dermatology located in Forest Hills, NY
A double chin often develops when you gain weight, but aging can lead to the same problem even if you never put on an extra pound. No matter what caused your double chin, the Adult and Pediatric Dermatology team in the Forest Hills neighborhood of Queens, New York, can permanently eliminate the fat using Kybella®. Call the office today or book an appointment online to learn more about this safe, injectable treatment.

Kybella Q & A

What is Kybella?

Kybella, from Allergan Aesthetics, is an injectable treatment to eliminate the fat that accumulates below your chin, commonly called a double chin.

Kybella contains an artificial form of deoxycholic acid. Your body naturally produces this acid that breaks down fats during digestion.

When your provider injects Kybella, it does the same thing: It breaks down the fat in your double chin. Your body then clears away the waste. The fat permanently disappears, and you regain your original, slim-jawed profile.

Am I a candidate for Kybella?

Kybella is safe for most people. However, your provider might not recommend the treatment if you:
Your provider reviews your medical history during your consultation to be sure that you can safely receive Kybella injections.

What should I expect during Kybella treatment?

Your provider begins by marking the sites where he plans to inject Kybella. This step helps ensure that you lose fat evenly and in a way pleasing to the eye.

After applying a topical anesthetic, they inject Kybella using several shots. Most people have some swelling and redness after their injections. You might also see some bruising or experience temporary numbness or hard spots at the injection sites.

You can go back to your normal daily activities, but you might want to plan for downtime in the event you prefer to give the side effects time to heal. You should also avoid strenuous exercise for a while. Your provider gives you detailed information about your recovery and self-care before leaving the office.

When will I see results after my Kybella treatment?

You won’t see results right away because it takes about a month for your body to get rid of the treated fat cells. Many patients need more than one treatment.

Depending on the amount of fat needed to be eliminated, you could see the results you want with 2-4 treatments. But 59% of patients need six treatments spaced one month apart, and you won’t see the full results until a month after your final Kybella treatment.

If you want to eliminate an unsightly double chin, call Adult and Pediatric Dermatology today or book an appointment online.

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