Molluscum Specialist

Adult and Pediatric Dermatology

Medical Dermatology & Cosmetic Dermatology located in Forest Hills, NY
If you or a loved one develops firm, round, painless bumps, it could be molluscum, a skin condition that can become bothersome if left untreated. At Adult and Pediatric Dermatology in the Forest Hills neighborhood of Queens, New York, the exceptional team of dermatologists diagnoses and treats molluscum to give you the clear, smooth skin you deserve. Call the office today to schedule an appointment or use the online booking tool.

Molluscum Q & A

What is molluscum?

Molluscum, also called mollucsum contagiosum, is a skin condition that results from a viral infection and produces painless bumps on the skin. The infection can spread to other parts of your body or to other people by skin-to-skin contact. Molluscum affects kids and adults. It’s considered a sexually transmitted disease (STD) if the condition develops in your genital area.

What are the symptoms of molluscum?

Common symptoms of molluscum include skin bumps that are:

Molluscum spots often appear on the hands, face, arms, armpits, and neck. They can also develop on the genitals, inner thighs, lower abdomen, and eyelids.

Touching the molluscum and then your eye can cause pink eye. Scratching the molluscum bumps can cause them to become infected.

What are the risk factors for molluscum?

Molluscum spreads by skin-to-skin contact. You could develop it after being in close contact with another person, having sexual contact with an infected person, or from towels or other shared objects.

Your risk of getting molluscum increases if you have a weak immune system. Ways to lower your chance of contracting it include washing your hands, not touching molluscum bumps, avoiding sexual contact with infected partners, and not sharing personal items.

How does my doctor diagnose molluscum?

To find out if you have molluscum, your dermatologist discusses your medical history, lifestyle, and symptoms. They examine areas of your skin containing bumps and might take skin scrapings to examine under a microscope to confirm a molluscum diagnosis.

How is molluscum treated?

Adult and Pediatric Dermatology offers several treatments to eliminate the skin bumps caused by molluscum. Examples include scraping, freezing, and medications. Your doctor will numb the treatment area to avoid discomfort during the procedure.

Without treatment, molluscum could clear up on its own after about 6-12 months. However, you can develop new bumps for up to five years. When you have no more new molluscum bumps, you’re no longer contagious.

If you have new or unusual skin bumps and you suspect that it could be molluscum, call the Adult and Pediatric Dermatology office today or schedule an appointment online.

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