Microneedling Specialist

Adult and Pediatric Dermatology

Medical Dermatology & Cosmetic Dermatology located in Forest Hills, NY
If you want smoother, firmer, younger-looking skin, consider microneedling. The treatment is minimally invasive, pain-free, and requires no downtime. At Adult and Pediatric Dermatology in the Forest Hills neighborhood of Queens, New York, the team of medical dermatologists uses microneedling to keep your skin vibrant and healthy. Call the office today or use the online booking feature to make an appointment.

Microneedling Q & A

What is microneedling?

Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure. It’s designed to improve collagen production. It uses a hand-held tool called a derma roller to make microscopic puncture wounds on the surface of your skin. These wounds cause your body to create collagen and elastin –– proteins that keep your skin healthy and blemish-free.

Microneedling is a quick and effective way to address minor cosmetic imperfections. Since there’s no downtime or recovery period, you can return to work, exercise, and participate in other activities immediately following your appointment.

What problems can microneedling treat?

At Adult and Pediatric Dermatology, the team uses microneedling to treat various skin-related problems, including:
You might also benefit from microneedling if you have an uneven skin tone.

How do I prepare for microneedling?

Before you undergo microneedling, let your Adult and Pediatric Dermatology provider know about any prescription medications, supplements, or vitamins you take. To reduce the risk of complications, they might ask you to stop taking certain drugs, like blood thinners, before your procedure.

What does microneedling involve?

At Adult and Pediatric Dermatology, the team offers microneedling on an outpatient basis. Typically, the treatment takes 30 minutes or less.

During microneedling, your Adult and Pediatric Dermatology provider uses a pen-like tool to create tiny puncture wounds in your skin. They apply the pressure evenly to ensure that each area of your skin experiences the same r benefits.

Your provider applies an anesthetic to your skin to ensure your comfort during treatment. The anesthetic numbs the nerve endings, ensuring that there’s no pain or sensitivity.

Is microneedling safe?

Microneedling is safe and usually well-tolerated, but it isn’t without risk. Following your appointment, it’s normal to experience mild skin irritation, including bleeding, bruising, and peeling. Carefully follow your provider’s recovery instructions. If your symptoms last more than a few days, contact the Adult and Pediatric Dermatology team right away.

When will I experience results from microneedling?

Microneedling doesn’t provide instant results. It takes several weeks for your body to produce the new collagen and elastin.

Following your first treatment, protect your skin from the sun’s UV rays by wearing long, billowy clothing or applying sunscreen. Most people experience a significant improvement in the appearance of their skin within 4-6 weeks.

To see if you can benefit from microneedling, make an appointment at Adult and Pediatric Dermatology today. Call the office or use the online booking feature.

Before and After

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